Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Cars

Electric Cars Electric Cars History: Early electric vehicles may have appeared as early as 1830. Scottish inventor Robert Davidson constructed the world's first prototype electric vehicle in 1837, but historians generally credit J.K. Starley, an English inventor, and Fred M. Kimball of Boston with building the first practical electric cars in 1888. Later in the in the decade, William Morrison of Des Moines, Iowa, constructed his version of the electric vehicle in 1891. His vehicle required 24 storage battery cells, took 10 hours to charge, and could run for 13 hours. It could carry up to 12 people and had a 4-horsepower motor. His car could reach speeds up to 14 miles per hour. Morrison, however, never mass-produced his vehicle. The first commercially produced electric vehicle was the Electrobat. It was manufactured by Philadelphia-based Morris and Salom Company. In 1896, the Woods Motor Vehicle Company of Chicago became the first American manufacturer of electric cars. The Electrobat was one of s everal electric cars, which competed in a race sponsored by Illinois publisher H.H. Kohlsaat. He had challenged inventors to come up with a car that could travel the distance from Chicago to Evanston and back (58 miles). Electric cars and gas cars competed against each other in this competition. Although none of the cars performed in an especially notable manner, the electric cars failed miserably. It seemed that the slushy country roads generated a great deal of friction, which drained the strength of the batteries quickly. Shortly after the Kohlsaat race, Thomas Edison said he believed gasoline, not electricity, would provide the dominant power source for the automobile of the future. "As it looks at the present," he said, "it would seem more likely that (the cars) will be run by a gasoline or naphtha motor of some kind. It is quite possible. However, that an electric storage battery will be discovered which will prove more economical, bu... Free Essays on Cars Free Essays on Cars Electric Cars Electric Cars History: Early electric vehicles may have appeared as early as 1830. Scottish inventor Robert Davidson constructed the world's first prototype electric vehicle in 1837, but historians generally credit J.K. Starley, an English inventor, and Fred M. Kimball of Boston with building the first practical electric cars in 1888. Later in the in the decade, William Morrison of Des Moines, Iowa, constructed his version of the electric vehicle in 1891. His vehicle required 24 storage battery cells, took 10 hours to charge, and could run for 13 hours. It could carry up to 12 people and had a 4-horsepower motor. His car could reach speeds up to 14 miles per hour. Morrison, however, never mass-produced his vehicle. The first commercially produced electric vehicle was the Electrobat. It was manufactured by Philadelphia-based Morris and Salom Company. In 1896, the Woods Motor Vehicle Company of Chicago became the first American manufacturer of electric cars. The Electrobat was one of s everal electric cars, which competed in a race sponsored by Illinois publisher H.H. Kohlsaat. He had challenged inventors to come up with a car that could travel the distance from Chicago to Evanston and back (58 miles). Electric cars and gas cars competed against each other in this competition. Although none of the cars performed in an especially notable manner, the electric cars failed miserably. It seemed that the slushy country roads generated a great deal of friction, which drained the strength of the batteries quickly. Shortly after the Kohlsaat race, Thomas Edison said he believed gasoline, not electricity, would provide the dominant power source for the automobile of the future. "As it looks at the present," he said, "it would seem more likely that (the cars) will be run by a gasoline or naphtha motor of some kind. It is quite possible. However, that an electric storage battery will be discovered which will prove more economical, bu... Free Essays on Cars The issue of electric car has been arising nowadays. But many of us never really find a true example of the uses of electric cars in everyday life. From the article â€Å"Electrical Engineering†, an Australian built his own electric car from a second hand Porsche. The article proves that having a private electric cars is no longer a dream. But do all people know the good things and the bad things about having a private electric car? Now, what electric vehicles really are? Simply put, electric vehicles are vehicles that are powered by an electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine. Electric vehicle use electricity as the â€Å"fuel† instead of gasoline or some other combustible fuel. The electric motor in an electric vehicle converts electricity, usually from a battery pack, into mechanical power to turn the wheels. Major auto manufacturers are producing high-performance electric vehicles not only in the form of cars but also in a wide range of styles and sizes, including, mini-vans, sport utility vehicles and pickup trucks. Electric vehicles today come as small as bicycles and motor scooters and as big as buses. In Melbourne for example, we are using electric powered trams as public transport. Many people fancy electric vehicles because they had many advantages compared with petrol fueled vehicles. The benefits are : Quiet, Clean Driving Experience  ­ On a personal level, electric vehicles offer a quiet, fume-free, smooth driving experience. Since the motor does not operate when the vehicle is at a stop, an electric vehicle has no â€Å"idle† noises. When an electric vehicle is under power, the sounds are the soft sound of the motor and the tires rolling over the roadway. High Performance  ­ First-time electric vehicle drivers are consistently surprised by the quality of the electric vehicle driving experience. electric vehicles provide fast acceleration by delivering power instantly to the whee... Free Essays on Cars Ford The Model T greatly contributed to the spread of motorization by introducing various mechanisms for easy driving, such as a planetary gear transmission, as well as a low price owing to mass production that cut costs. A total of 15,007,033 units were built from 1908 to 1927, and the car triggered a revolution in social life-style. The Model T introduced various features to facilitate driving, and the transmission was integrated with the engine. Its planetary gears two forward and one back could be shifted without use of a clutch. These mechanisms were also intended to meet mass-production system. Benz Various countries claim to be the first to produce a gasoline-powered automobile. Although there is room for argument, Germany's Karl Benz is now accorded this distinction with the threewheeler he produced in 1886. The engine, placed over the rear axle, is a horizontal, fourcycle, single-cylinder type was the first automobile equipped with a differential gear. The small one-cylinder engine of this vehicle was mounted horizontally behind the seat in a frame developed from the prevailing tricycles. Its 0.9 horsepower was transmitted to the rear wheels via belt and chain, enabling a top speed of about 15km/h. A lever connected to a rack-and-pinion controlled the lone front wheel, which steered the vehicle. By: William W. Bottorff Several Itialians recorded designs for wind driven vehicles. The first was Guido da Vigevano in 1335. It was a windmill type drive to gears and thus to wheels. Vaturio designed a similar vehicle which was also never built. Later Leonardo da Vinci designed a clockwork driven tricycle with tiller steering and a differential mechanism between the rear wheels. A Catholic priest named Father Ferdinand Verbiest has been said to have built a steam powered vehicle for the Chinese Emporer Chien Lung in about 1678. There is no information about the vehicle, only the event. Since Jam...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Best Approach for Improving Paragraphs on SAT Writing

The Best Approach for Improving Paragraphs on SAT Writing SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Every SAT test has 6 special questions in the writing section that test not just your grammar skills, but how well you are able to use them in context. Can you tell which correct version of a sentence best suits the paragraph that it’s in? Are you ready to tackle one of the most unique parts of the SAT? Why does the SAT have Improving Paragraphs Questions? Before 2005, the SAT could only measure your ability to find errors within a single sentence. This was a problem because - obviously - very little college-level work focuses on your ability to correctly write indiviudal, unrelated sentences. Hence the Writing SAT was born! While there are obviously some issues with this section of the test - such as the essay - which are being addressed in the new version of the test, there is a consensus that theability to create strong paragraphsis a more important skill than being able to recognize tricky grammar errors in isolated sentences. In fact, the new version of the SAT that will be introduced in 2016 will place an even greater emphasis on passage-based, grammar-in-context questions. What concepts does this section test? Time to put your editing cap on! This section is all about your ability toproofread, edit, and revise, as you would with an early draft of an essay. The test covers a few main editing concepts: how tocorrectly use transitions, good organization, conciseness, eliminating and adding sentences, meaning and purpose, how to improve sentences, and specificity.Later, I will give you specific strategies for attacking each of these question types. If you want to learn more about these different kinds of questions, see our guide to the concepts tested on the SAT Writing. But first... How should I approach Improving Paragraphs questions? When you hit this section of the test, follow these rules for the correct approach. Remember that while some of the questions look similar to Improving Sentences or Critical Reading questions, they differ in some important ways! Step One: Skim the Passage You will usually notice that the passage is not very well written: it is meant to look like the first draft of a hastily-written essay. You do NOT need to read the passage carefully at this point. Unlike in the Critical Reading portion of the test, you are not being asked to understand the purpose or deeper meaning of the passage.You only need to be able to notice mistakes in logic and grammar. If an obvious grammar error jumps out at you,underline it. Step Two: Check Your Basic Comprehension After reading,quicklyaskyourself the following questions: 1. What is the author's argument or purpose in writing this piece? 2. How is the piece organized? How do the paragraphs relate to each other? 3. Was anything confusing - either because it could have been explained more clearly, or because the way it was worded made it difficult to understand?If so, mark it. 4. Did anything seem glaringly out of place or unnecessary?If so, mark it. While these seem like basic questions,the majority of the questions you will be asked will revolve around these concepts. Step Three: Understand the Types of Questions The Writing SAT asks the same types of questions over and over again.Below, I have broken down specific strategies for each of the main concepts the SAT likes to test.Make sure you are familiar with these concepts so that they do not come as a surprise on test day. Step Four: Start Answering the Questions If the question refers to a specific sentence in the passage, go back and read that sentence more closely,along with the sentences before and after it. This is because this section of the test focuses oncontext. Without understanding the context, it will be much more difficult to weed out incorrect answers. Any answer you choose has to not just be grammatically correct, but also has to fit in with the sentences that surround it. Step Five: Make sure that your answers are both CONCISE and GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT Does you answer meet these standards approved by the SAT? Not a fragment Not a dependent clause No unnecessary prepositions or articles Antecedents must have clear pronouns Use fewer gerunds and participles if possible No dangling or misplaced modifiers Remember, if there are several grammatically-correct options that work equally well in context,choose the most concise option. Specific Strategies by Question Type 1. Improving Sentences The SAT is testing two things with these questions: can you identify and correct grammatical errors, and can you understand how sentences work in the context of the paragraph? If the question asks about improving a certain sentence or combining two sentences "in context",make sure that you go back and read the sentence in question as well as the sentences around it. Your answer should make aconcise and direct sentence that is both correct indiviudally, and also works in the paragraph. If the question asks about the best way to improve a sentence or combine two sentences, but does not say "in context",this is going to be very similar to the Improving Sentences questions in the writing section. Pay particular attention to your grammar rules, including dangling modifiers, antecedents of pronouns, and subject-verb agreement. As ever, also look out for the mostconcise and direct way of saying the information. 2. Transitions Improving paragraphs questions will often test your ability to add transitions. Sometimes these will be single-word or short phrase transitions (do you know when to use "furthermore" as opposed to "therefore"?).Other times you will be dealing with full-sentence transitions. With these kinds of questions, the SAT is looking to see if you know how to lead smoothly from one idea in the paragraph to the next. When asked to add a transition word or phrase, go back and look at the sentence in question and the previous sentence. Try to understand the relationship between the two setnences. Does the second explain the first? Does in contradict the previous sentence? Does the sentence in question reach a conclusion? The table below reviews some common transition words and what they are used for: USE TRANSITION WORDS AND PHRASES Agreement/Similarity also, in addition, as a matter of fact, in the same way, equally important, and, then, moreover, as well as, of course, likewise, similarly, furthermore, additionally, actually, too Opposition/Contradiction although, in contrast, different from, on the other hand, ont he contrary, in spite of, even so, though, but, unlike, yet, while, instead, despite, conversely, actually, otherwise, however, nevertheless, regardless, ironically (specifically used for unexpected contrast) Example/Emphasis in other words, in this case, for this reason, notably, including, like, namely, certainly, particularly, for example, for instance, to emphasize, indeed, especially, to explain, basically Cause/Purpose granted that, for this purpose, so long as, in order to, to that end, if, then, unless, because of, since, while, lest, in case, provided that, owing to, due to Effect/Result as a result, in that case, for that reason, in effect, for, consequently, therefore Conclusion/Summary after all, in fact, in summary, in conclusion, in short, in brief, to summarize, ultimately, on the whole, finally, therefore, at last At other times, you will be asked to add a whole sentence between two other sentences or at the start of a paragraph.In these cases, you are looking for full transition sentences. Read the sentences that will surround the new sentence and chooise the option that best relates the idea in the first sentence to the idea in the second sentence. 3. Organization Some questions will ask where a sentence best fits within a paragraph. This is all about logic. If a sentence is breaking up two other sentences about the same topic that should be together, then it needs to be moved. If the sentence is giving more information about a topic that has not been introduced yet, it needs to be moved. 32. Where is the best place for sentence 4? (A) (Where it is now) (B) After sentence 2 (C) At the end of the second paragraph (D) At beginning of the third paragraph (E) After sentence 10 4. Conciseness Frequently, the SAT will ask you the best way to combine two sentences. This means that as they are, the two sentences are too wordy. Is there a way that these sentences could be joined together that is more effective? Other times you may be asked the best way to re-write an overly-wordy sentence. If the sentence has extra words that are adding no benefit, then you can get rid of them. Think: what is the most direct way to say what the author is trying to convey? 5. Meaning and Purpose Can you understand why the author wrote something in a certain way? If the author has written something non-serious, do you understand that it is meant to be humorous? Do you recognize that a certain sentence is giving an example, or introducing a new argument? If the question asks about the author's goal in writing a sentence or group of sentences, go back an re-read the section carefully. Choose the answer that you can relate directly back to the passage in question. These questions are a bit similar to Critical Reading questions - remember that there will ever only be one correct answer and you need to be able to find it in the text! Be careful when looking over the answer choices and remember that if even one word in the answer choice doesn't match the section, then you have to rule out that answer. 6. Eliminating and Adding Sentences The SAT will often ask if a sentence should be eliminated. If the sentence is about a new concept that otherwise is not discussed in the essay, can you tell that this information is irrelevant? On the flip side, do you understand that some ideas should be fleshed out with an example or two? Can you recognize where it's best to add an extra sentence to describe something previously discussed? If it asks you to add a sentence, choose the one that best builds on something that has already been discussed.Try to find a sentence that gives a good example of whatever the previous sentence had to say. Never introduce a new topic or subject matter in an added sentence. If it asks you if a sentence should be deleted, see how well it relates to the information around it.The SAT often thinks that sentences should be deleted if they are too different from what else is around them, or if they discuss information that is not discussed elsewhere in the essay. If it's not relevant, get rid of it! 7. Specificity Many of the passages will use vague words that could be interpreted in several different ways, depending on the context. Can you understand how a word is being used in the passage? 33. In context, which of the following is the best word to use instead of "adulterated" in setence 4? (A) contaminated (B) ruined (C) mellowed (D) eliminated (E) abused If it asks about the meaning of a word in context,go back and see what the sentence is about. You may also need to read the sentence before it. Try mentally substituting the answer words into the sentence if it is not immediately clear. Let's Put the Strategies into Action! Here are some example passages and questions. Let's work through these questions to see how the guidelines above should be used. Questions 1 - 5 refer to the following passage: (1) Many people consider reality television vapid and a way to perpetuate bad stereotypes. (2) The current season ofThe Bacheloretteelicited harsh reviews from feminists, they are people who believe in the equal representation of men and women. (3) The most condemning ones claimed that gender relations were being set back by decades because of the new "twist" of having two bachelorettes. (4) Wouldn't young girls watching the show internalize the inherent message when having men pick the bachelorette based on looks, before the bachelorette could pick a spouse based on his personality? (5) AndWifeSwap, the television show in which men trade wives for a week. (6) Imagine the horror at having women portrayed as a belonging that can be borrowed! (7) I see nothing wrong with reality television, whether low-brow or of the skill-based competition variety. (8) After all, isn't the drama of our daily lives the most entertaining thing of all? (9) For example, my friend's love life has enough ups and downs to be an award-winning drama. (10) Reality television would never have become so popular if we did not naturally like watching the struggles of every day life. (11) No doubt, inThe Bachelorettewe recognize the desire for connection and love, this is reminiscent of the plots of classic movies such asCasablanca, directed by the late Michael Curtiz. (12)Curtiz will see traces of his own love triangles in the contestants on these shows. (13) The bachelorette woos the main contestant, before finally breaking his heart on the final episode and leaving him for someone else. (14) Human drama and competition have been the main compelling forces in all entertainment for centuries, and we should not forsake them in favor of something more predictable but safer. 1. Which of the following is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence 11 (reproduced below)? No doubt, inThe Bachelorettewe recognize the desire for connection and love, this is reminiscent of the plots of classic movies such as Casablanca, directed by the late Michael Curtiz. (A) (as it is now) (B) love, this would be (C) love; they are (D) love for being (E) love as You may notice that this is not too different from an Improving Sentences question. Context does not matter here - instead, we just need to fix this to make it as grammatically and stylistically correct as possible. As it is now, we have a comma splice, which needs to be fixed. Therefore, (A) is incorrect. (B) also present a comma splice and so is also incorrect. (C) technically makes a grammatically correct sentence because the independent clauses are separated by a semicolon. However, the pronoun "they" is incorrect and does not work in context. The original sentence uses a singular pronoun referring back to "desire", but "they" is a plural pronoun so cannot refer to desire. (D) is awkward and uses a gerund where it is not necessary. (E), therefore, is the correct answer. Of the grammatically correct choices, it is the most concise. 2. In context, which of the following is the best word to use instead of "ones" in sentence 3? (A) instances (B) shows (C) reviews (D) sections (E) characters Your key words here are â€Å"in context†, which means that you need to not only read sentence 3, but also the sentences around it. Sentences 2-3 say, â€Å"The current season of The Bachelorette elicited harsh reviews from feminists, they are people who believe in the equal representation of men and women. The most condemning ones claimed that gender relations were being set back by decades by the new "twist" of having two bachelorettes.† Here it is clear that â€Å"ones† is referring back to the reviews, some of which were particularly critical. Therefore, (C) is the correct answer. If you were uncertain about this, you could easily sub in the other options and you would see that they would not make sense in the context of sentence 3. 3. An important strategy used in the first paragraph is to (A) elaborate on a view that contrasts with the essay's argument (B) use descriptive detail to elucidate a personal experience (C) provide a thoughtful, objective analysis of feminism (D) introduce an unconventional response to reality television (E) reveal the sense of playfulness implicit in feminist theory From skimming the full essay, you should see that the author starts by saying that some people do not like reality television, but the author of the essay thinks there is nothing wrong with it. Therefore, the correct answer is (A). The first paragraph goes into detail about why people do not like reality TV, which is a contrast to the author’s point of view that is argued in the rest of the piece. What if you weren’t sure? (B) is incorrect because no personal experiences are mentioned in the first paragraph. (C) and (E) are incorrect because there is no discussion of feminism. (D) is incorrect because the first paragraph tells that the dislike of reality television is not an unconventional response - it contrast, it is common. 4. In context, which of the following is the best way to revise the underlined portion of sentence 12 (reproduced below)? Curtiz will see traces of his own love triangles in the contestants on these shows. (A) Curtiz could have seen (B) Curtiz, too, would see (C) However, Curtiz might have seen (D) In addition to this, Curtiz will see (E) Likewise, Curtiz can see Key words, once again, are â€Å"in context.† So let’s go see the context: â€Å"No doubt, inThe Bachelorette we recognize the desire for connection and love, this is reminiscent of the plots of classic movies such asCasablanca, directed by the late Michael Curtiz. Curtiz will see traces of his own love triangles in the contestants on these shows. The context shows us that we need a way to link the recognition that we have (of the desire) with Curtiz's would-be recognition of love triangles. This calls for atransition. Option (A) does not give a transition at all, so it's out. (C) uses a transition ("however") but this is not the correct one - this implies a contradictory idea, and we need something that shows agreement. So (C) is out. (D) and (E) are both out because of the tense of the verbs. Though they use good transitions that show agreement, Curtiz is dead and will not be doing anything in the present or future tenses. That leaves us with (B), which uses an appropriate transition, and also uses a form of the verb that implies a hypothetical situation. It is alsodirect and concise - note that it is the shortest of all the options. 5. Paragraph one would best be improved by (A) An explanation of whatThe Bachelorette is (B) A quotation about why one viewer loves reality television (C) An explanation of why seeing "real-life struggles" on television resonates with viewers (D) A reference to other types of television programming (E) A brief explanation of Michael Curtiz's career This question is asking what we should add to the first paragraph, which means that we need to go back and read it. Remember, we should not add information about anything that is not directly relevant. Let's start by reviewing the purpose of the first paragraph. In this paragraph, the author writes about why certain people object to reality TV, and tells what some of those objections are, usingThe Bacheloretteas an example. Therefore, a quote about why someone loves reality TV would not fit well in this paragraph. (B) is out. Paragraph two discusses watching real-life struggles on television, and also mentions Michael Curtiz's. However, neither of these are mentioned in the first paragraph, so (C) and (E) are out. Other types of television programming would be completely off-topic, because this passage is specifically about reality television. Therefore (D) is out. In contrast, a reader who is unfamiliar withThe Bachelorette may be helped with an explanation of how the show works, since the show is discussed for much of the first paragraph. (A) is the correct answer. What's next? Now that you know the rules to master the Improving Paragraphs questions, a perfect score on the Writing section is one step closer! Check out our advice on how to get a perfect score. Want to test yourself out on some of the trickiest questions on SAT Writing? Here are some of the hardest questions for this part of the test. Need a refresher on pronouns or dangling modifiers? Check out our grammar guides for the SAT. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Writing and grammar lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 7

Global Warming - Essay Example It was referred to carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, exhilarant gas, freon gas, etc. During the intergovernmental conference in Madrid in 1995 UN proclaimed global warming to be a scientific fact. Nevertheless, nowadays there is a big number of respectable scientists denying the threat of global warming and proving such a large-scale problem to be just a great mystification, or at least an exaggeration. The theory of global warming comes down to the opinion that the increase of concentration of carbon dioxide in the air would necessarily cause the atmospheric temperature rise, earth surface and water warming. The defenders of this theory consider anthropogenic factor to be its main peculiarity. A huge amount of factories, plants, automobiles inject carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which causes a number of cataclysms around the whole world. Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, tornados, and many other natural disasters may be considered as a consequence of global warming. The theory of global warming gained its worldwide notoriety on account of former vice president of the US Albert Gore. After the defeat at election in 2000, he directed his efforts to public activity connected with the investigations of global warming. In 2007 he was awarded with two Oscars for his film An Inconvenient Truth, illustrating previously unknown facts about global warming. This film turned to have a huge impact on the attitude towards this problem. Gore received a Nobel Prize for environmental protection and the research of climate change issue. His name turned to be a synonym of the protection of nature and global warming control. One more thing he managed to receive was the positive public image. Nevertheless, the theory of global warming has faced a lot of criticism. A great number of scientists deny the influence of CO2 on temperature. A famous American climatologist

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Health reform (research paper) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Health reform (research paper) - Essay Example to ensure customer satisfaction and preferences, to focus on value between providers and insurers, and to minimize the burden on tax payers (Haislmaier 2006). The major aspect of the Massachusetts legislation is the conception of the Connector – a statewide health insurance. Connector will act as a â€Å"private sate-government chartered (Haislmaier 2006)† one-stop shop ort office where individuals and business employers who have employees numbering from fifty (50) and below will be capable to pay for personal and transferable health insurance coverage (Haislmaier 2006). Underinsurance is a major concern for Massachusetts residences since some individuals will prefers to purchase health plans that entails high cost of sharing to be able to bring lower premiums monthly; and restricted benefits (Long 2008). These factors causes higher health care costs per person and can be the reason why most will choose to go without some benefits of a health care plan just to avoid excess health care expenses (Long 2008). Hence when this happens, workers who earn high salaries are covered for any serious injury or illness; while moderate and low income earners will encounter difficulties if the fee for the care which they will need will exceed the coverage of their chosen health insurance plan (Long 2008). The health reform in Massachusetts paved way to having a low rate of universal individuals during its first year of execution. This likewise involved reduction of financial expenses in acquiring health care and enhancement of access to it (Long 2008). Issues surrounding the provisions of the health reform in Massachusetts are concentrated on two aspects which are: that Massachusetts residents must buy a health insurance, and business that have more than ten (10) employees or personnel which do not provide their workers any health insurance should make payments to the state’s compensated care pool for a per worker contribution scale (Haislmaier, 2006). To straighten

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Tempest and William Shakespeare Essay Example for Free

The Tempest and William Shakespeare Essay In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and  other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that. In the Tempest, written by William Shakespeare in 1611, Prospero the sorcerer was the Duke of Milan until Antonio usurped his power. Prospero is banished to an isolated island with his daughter Miranda. Here he practiced his sorcery and controlled every aspect of Miranda’s life. Prospero used his sorcery to create a magnificent tempest to bring all his enemies to the island, including Antonio, for revenge. Caliban was a native to the island Prospero lives on. Prospero catches Caliban trying to rape Miranda so he makes him his slave. Prospero makes Caliban carry firewood and other hard labor. Prospero frees Ariel from a tree and then makes him his personal servant. Both of these men are Prospero’s slaves but they are much more than just that.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Global Warming is Here. Now What? Essay -- Climate Change, Synthesis E

Global warming denial and unprogressive energy outlooks are all products of not seeing the full picture. The evidence is clear, even in nature. Plants are blooming earlier, animals are waking up from hibernation earlier, birds are migrating farther north, and populations of animals have already gone extinct due to global warming. Yet, some still stay stern in denying its reality. That being said, even honest open-minded people can fall prey to misleading notions and statistics. To truly uncover the truth, we need to see the full picture. While researching climate change, with the mountains of false or cherry-picked data out there, you certainly learn to be skeptical of a source's creditability. You also, learn the importance of getting the full picture, rather than just a partial one. Heres a few examples, of what I'm talking about. A while back many were convinced that because CO2 follows global surface temperature increase by about 800-1000 years, that CO2 as a cause of global warming was disproved. Which made sense; how can a cause follow a result? It seemed to go against the basic order of cause and effect. Al Gore even strengthened the argument, by mistakenly telling the audience in his video An Inconvenient Truth, that CO2 lead temperature. So when that statement turned out to be false, many people came to the conclusion that climatologists were wrong about CO2, and if they were wrong about a major cause than maybe they were wrong about global warming all together. However, unknown to most of those people at the time, climatologists were already very aware of CO2's lag behind temperature. The complexity of the process was already known. It isn't a straight forward cause and effect ordeal. The initiator is... ...ance of the greenhouse effect. Information I will use to explain the greenhouse effect. "FORD PLANNING NEW ELECTRIC, HYBRID AND PLUG-IN VEHICLES IN NEXT 4 YEARS." Ford Motor Company. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May 2010. Information on the Ford Focus electric car. I could use the Ford Focus electric car as an example. Paddock, Barry. "Nissan Leaf vs. the Chevrolet Volt: Electric car war heats up New York International Auto Show." NY Daily News. N.p., 1 Apr. 2010. Web. 13 May 2010. Information on both the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Volt electric cars. Both cars can be used as example, and to show the difference in models. Edwards, Ross. "Electric Car Battery Swapping Station Launched in Japan." PriceWheels.com. N.p., 30 Apr. 2010. Web. 13 May 2010. Contains information on the Electric car replacement stations. Vital in explaining why electric cars are the future.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Communication an organisations Essay

This assessment is to demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the topics taught in leading and motivating a team effectively module of the ILM Level 3 Course in Leadership and Management. The document will be split into two main sections, the first section will focus on how to communicate an organisations vision and strategy to the team as well as provide an analysis on its importance. The second section will look at the role motivation in the development of a team. Section 1: How to communicate an organisations vision and strategy to the team One of the definitions of the word team (in its verb form) is, come together to achieve a common goal (Oxford University Press, 2014). It is this common goal or purpose that turns a group of individuals into a team without a common purpose or goal to strive toward a team cannot function effectively. For example in a football team each player needs to know their place and role in the team, but also the strategy and vision for wider team, is the team an attacking team, a defensive team, do they attack via the wings etc. without knowing the common goal of the team the players will look to their own role and not know how to support the wider team and therefore are less likely to achieve their common goal. The same holds true within an organisation not just at an individual person level but at a departmental level, if teams do not know the wider vision or strategy of the organisation they can become siloed and retreat upon themselves and just focus on delivering the â€Å"day job† rather than support the organisation in a more holistic role. With the above in mind, it’s clear to see that for a team to perform it needs clarity in its purpose, and from a business point of view this should be given by the vision and strategy of the organisation. The vision tells us what the organisation wants to be, it doesn’t focus on the how that is the role of the strategy, the vision is a simple statement of what it wants to achieve. Below is an example vision statement from Amazon. â€Å"Our vision is to be earth’s most customer-centric company where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online†¦ at the lowest possible prices.† It’s a fairly short statement but allows staff and managers to know that the focus of Amazon is on three things †¢Being Customer Focused †¢Providing Online Services †¢Cost effectiveness (for Amazon and the customer) With the vision clearly stated it helps teams understand the direction in which the organisation wants to go, the next step is to explain how team fits in this vision and will help deliver it. Once the vision of an organisation is understood, it’s important about going about explaining how it will achieve this and this is referred to as the strategy. The strategy should be a series of plans that detail how elements of the vision will be achieved; for example Amazon’s vision could be split into two strategies; being customer centric and providing online services with cost effectiveness being a theme that runs across both strategies. These plans would then be broken down into more tactical detail such as action plans and SMART objectives to be carried out an operational level. For example a call centre team will have several objectives/KPI such as Calls answered in less than 5 seconds in a given month or First Time Call Resolution 95% (Year to Date), which without much explanation simply look like tools to ensure staff are doing their jobs when in fact they are SMART objectives that relate to the customer focused strategy of Amazon’s vision and how effec tively that strategy is working. It is the performance of these objectives that dictate future strategy, poor performance may result in a change of strategy (i.e. outsourcing) where as good performance could result in the current strategy being maintained or even expanded (i.e. expansion to provide alternative services) and as such it is vital that staff are informed not only of their objectives and targets but how and why they exist, and what their overall effect on the business is. As we can see the role the vision and strategy plays in the performance of a team or individual is huge but it can be a two edged sword if the vision and strategy are either poorly communicated, misunderstood or simply unknown. As such communication is key, to ensure that the common sense and purpose that the vision and strategy provides is embedded and understood. There are many methods of communication available within an organisation in aid of establishing a common purpose, but the first method is that the vision statement should be one that staff and customers can relate too and  understand, if the vision doesn’t make sense the job to communicate it to staff will be twice as hard. A good basis for ensuring good communication is using the seven principles of communication; to ensure the message is clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete and naturally courteous. Once the message has been developed, it’s a matter of choosing the medium in which it is delivered; there are various methods such as email, telephone, meetings, seminars, presentation, 1-2-1s, newsletters all of which to be effective must be used at the right time and place. As the vision is a supposed to provide a common purpose and understanding of what the company wants to be, it suggests that the best way to communicate this message is via more group/communal methods such as Team meetings, Away days or newsletters where the same message can be relayed to multiple staff at a time and avoids confusion or contamination of the key messages trying to be delivered, that can occur in mores personal communications such as 1-2-1 meetings. For example a team meeting where a contact centre manager for Amazon relays the vision of the company and how the team’s work fits in and helps deliver it to their 10 staff, is likely to be more effective than having 10 1-2-1 sessions in which they deliver they try to deliver the same message which is likely to alter between sessions due to personal relationships coming into play, more two way conversation disrupting the flow of the message, the recipient choosing to understand the message how they see it rather than how it was said and then finally the confusion that can occur when team members compare conversations. This is not to say that group communication is always the best method to use as it does also have its downsides such as; it’s less likely people will ask questions in team/group meetings and could result in misunderstandings/confusion, if the person delivering the message is not clear and does not understand the message being delivered it will have a negative impact on the recipients, they can become side tracked by issues that arise during the meeting and people forget the message being delivered. My own skills actually lend themselves to small groups or 1-2-1 sessions as I struggle to manage wider groups at times, especially when the meeting goes off topic or several conversations start within the meeting. However as I only manage two staff at the moment this hasn’t hampered my ability to communicate a common sense of purpose to my staff as I have my own concepts on what our role is in the  business, however as highlighted in our learner session in July we did struggle as a group to find the group’s vision and strategy, which in itself is a failing in that without knowing the true vision and strategy of the business how can I communicate that to my staff and could potentially be providing them with a purpose that is counter to the organisations own goals. In reflection this had led me to book in some time to read the new business plan, and in readiness I’ve booked a team meeting together with my staff to go over it and highlight were we as a team fit in it. I’ve also took some time recently to review our action plans and KPI’s on Covalent, which is a software we use to link action plans and KPI’s together to strategies to see how our objectiv es are linked to the wider organisation and through that hopefully provide better clarity and coherent information to my staff. Hopefully my management of meetings will improve through this course, as one of the modules in on managing meetings effectively. In conclusion I use to think my communication skills were quite good, however through this exercise I’ve noted that while my method of delivery and communication style may be good it doesn’t mean much if you don’t truly know the message you are trying to convey which until I’m up to speed on the business plan and our place in it I can’t say I know what that message should be without retreating into the â€Å"day job† which as mentioned at the beginning is a symptom of a team who doesn’t know the organisations vision or strategy. Section 2: Know how to motivate and develop the team Section 2.1: Describe the main motivational factors in a work context and how these may apply to different situations, teams and individuals. There are multiple models and theories for motivation such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Alderfer’s ERG theory, Acquired Needs Theory by McClellan and Two Factor Theory by Hezberg to name a few and while most can be used to explain motivational factors in a work context some such as Maslow’s and Alderfer’s theory require more adaption or to make it fit as such I’ll be using Hezberg’s Two factor theory to describe the main motivational factors in the work context. According to Herzberg, two kinds of factors affect motivation,  and they do it in different ways: Hygiene factors: These are factors that are taken for granted and can be seen as having no positive satisfaction by themselves, however if they were taken away would cause a dramatic down turn in morale and motivation. An example is a policy of free tea and coffee for staff by itself unlikely to motivate staff but if it was removed would have a negative impact. Motivator factors: These are factors whose presence motivates. Their absence does not cause any particular dissatisfaction, it just fails to motivate. An example would be recognition at work for a job well done, achieving a promotion. Looking at the above it would seem that simply applying the motivator factors would cause an increase in motivation and simply ensuring the hygiene factors stayed in place is the sure fire way to succeed in motivating your staff, however the below example shows how by applying one rule to an individual can affect the team as a whole. Person A is doing a good job and as such you wish to increase motivation by recognising their work, which you do by offering a promotion/raise or bonus, this however can impact on the rest of the team as Pay and Benefits also come under Hygiene factors and as such by rewarding one and not everyone in the team this can cause a demotivation or job dissatisfaction. Section 2.2: Explain the importance of a leader being able to motivate teams and individuals and gain their commitment to objectives. Section 2.3: Explain the role that the leader plays in supporting and developing the team and its members and give practical examples of when this will be necessary

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Organization & Operation of International Investment Bank Essay

Nowadays, banks seem to be springing up in the nooks and corners of every city in every country. The banks are no longer operating globally, in fact most of the big banks have marked their presence in most of the continents and yet they keep on expanding their business. There was a time when banking only meant providing loans to people or keeping their deposits but this is not the case anymore. Many different kinds of banks have sprung up offering diversified financial service that provide clients with investment and insurance products but the major ones are the commercial banks and the investment banks. The banks not only offer services to the customers and make their own money in the process but are in fact a vital part of the economy and its development as well. The purpose of the study is to make an analysis of the role played by investment banks; through their importance will come to light. The study will also be discussed with respect to the working of these bodies internationally. Introduction: The study deals with investment banks it is important to know how these institutions are different from commercial banks. Commercial banks are those institutions which accept deposits, provide business loans, and also offer other relevant services. Besides, they also provide the facility of making a variety of deposits through accounts like checking, time deposits or savings (Harvey, 2004). The purpose of existence of these institutions is to make a profit and the owners are a group of individuals, of whom some may belong to Federal Reserve System. Though the commercial banks provide services to individuals or clients, but their prime concern is to receive deposits and lend to businesses. An investment bank perform a range of tasks including issuance of securities (underwriting), management of portfolios of financial assets, trading securities (stocks and bonds), helping investors in buying securities and providing financial advice and support services; they are also involved in various proprietary functions in the financial markets, where they are their own clients (Lim, 26). It is mainly an intermediary who brings together sellers of stocks and bonds with buyers of the same. It differs mainly from the investment bank in the aspect that it has no inventory of cash deposits unlike a commercial bank. The companies usually use investment banks for achieving the same end as the commercial banks. If capital is required by a company, it may either obtain loan from a commercial bank, or buy equity or debt from investment bank. Commercial banks have availability of funds through depositors unlike an investment bank who, for this reason, have to spend considerable time looking for investors from whom they may obtain capital for clients. Literature Review: In the earlier days, banks were usually restricted to their local place of origin and only a few large ones had their branches in other countries but during the 19th century it was seen that many small banks failed in trying times for the reason that they were dependant on the fluctuations that local trades and industries went through; on the other hand larger banks which had their branches across the border were much secure as the risks were extended across a larger market and a broader range of borrowers. This is what gave rise and added to the popularity of international banking. Banks are involved in a wide range of services including the safe keeping of money and its transmission by different means like checks. At a primarily level, a bank takes the money from the customers and undertakes to repay it when demanded or when a prearranged period expires. But the roles of bank are no longer restricted to taking deposits or providing loans, there has been a great change in the nature of banks and their business has become more complicated over the last 20 years and this can be greatly contributed to the addition of various services pertinent to non-banking areas. This is the reason that major banks have taken control of bodies like merchant banks, estate agencies or hire-purchase companies, and have moved into areas like insurance and leasing (Geoffrey, 38-41). International banks operating overseas often suffer downward rating as seen the course of history that when a country’s creditworthiness is downgraded by international private agencies because of slacking public finances, it is followed by a similar rating of banks issuing shares because they carry large amounts of foreign currency government debt. The reason for this is that debt carries foreign exchange risk since the country is issuing it in a foreign currency thus increasing the probability of default in case the domestic currency depreciates; the countries who issue Eurobonds exercise acceptable sovereign credit ratings which permits them to float, in international markets, foreign currency bonds that have been underwritten by major international investment banks and carry investment grade AAA. Funds from the sale of securities return to banks and then may be invested partly in the provision of loans to the private sector or any other asset which carries a lower risk than that of foreign currency government debt (Shaheen & Achkar, 353). A bank should work profitably but by no means it should turn into an organisation that is not trusted by its customers, employees or shareholders. Most of the customers across the globe consider banks with quiet suspicion and at times even with vocal hostility where they are considered evil and not a valued service industry and there is rarely a day when the tabloid press does not expose some apparent banking bungle or scam. Majority of the banks are bent opon extending their branch network and makreting their products. A customer who is anxious to just perform a simple transaction like cashing a cheque, often find himself/herself in the hands of a bank staff trying to make him go for the product of the week. The banks are no longer focused on creating a customer-oriented environment that may attract customers but are following the policy of ‘indiscriminate sell’ which are driving out customers. Merely, expanding the branch network in different countries is not enough unless the bank succeeds in establishing a reputation for loyalty and trustworthiness with its borrowers. There are occasionally times when conflicts arise between the interests of a bank and its borrowers, but the key is to maintain mutual respect. Like the other organizations in service industries, customer satisfaction should lie at the core of a bank’s culture (John, 27). With respect to working of the investment banks, there is great reliance on analysts. These analysts are essential to the organization and working of investment banks. Because of the servies that they provide and avail, investors depend on analysts to perform a skilled analysis of security valuation, as it is usually the art and science which they are unable to perform themselves. At individual level, these analysts normally give coverage to a group of companies falling within the domain of particular industries. For this reason all major investment banks and even smaller commercial ones have their own teams of analysts who perform essential research on public corporations. These analysts do not contribute directly in generating material revenue for the bank. Instead, their services support two major groups. The first group is of professional and non-professional investors who give commissions to the banks by means of their orders to buy and sell securities. In this domain, what the analyst does is to spend time talking with investors in order to collect orders from them, which are not directly given to them but instead placed through salespeople working in the bank and with whom analysts keep in touch on a daily basis. The other important group in investment bank is the corporate finance department. This department is the vital contributor to revenues and profits earned by banks. The majority of revenue earned by the corporate finance is a result of underwriting and arranging financing (debt and equity) and providing services like mergers and acquisitions (M&A) advice to the clients. The role of analysts in Corporate finance lies where they are seeked for the promottion and sale of capital offerings and M&A deals to investors (Hayward & Boeker, 1-5). In the past, investment banks have earned great benefits because of the high demand for its products and many existing macro trends prevalent in most of the countries. One such example is of disintermediation of traditional capital providers which facilitated the continued developments in the business arena of corporate bond and securitisaties; even on the investment side, there was disintermedation of traditional savings providers like banks or insurance companies, as a result a flood of funds rushed into equity markets which brought the need for execution of advice and transaction; another factor which contributed to the success of investment banks is the globalisation of corporations and investors. Another positive trend was the effort of continued restructuring by corporations and governments so as to achieve global competitiveness and thus requiring advisory services of the investment banks. The reaction of the banking industry to these trends was the decision to organise itself around the organizations that were product-orientated so as to take advantage of the situation. To put it in other words, the former range of services that were offered and product capability was amplified due to increased product demand (Kauffman & Howcroft, 214). The international investment banks expanded their network across many countries as result of opportunities that were offered due to structural changes in the economy during the nineties in the form of privatization and ownership reallocation both in the financial and non-financial sectors (Messori 177). The function of international investment banks in terms of the banks’ own business is not awlays and necessarily the desire to be a major force in the retail mortgage market; but sometimes what they are instead aiming for is the building of their securitisation businesses. By expanding into the mortgage space beyond the local arena, a ready supply of new assets for securitisation become accessible to these banks directly, rather than this that they source loans in the secondary market. The benefit of securitising most of the loans of the bank in the mortgage business originates implies that the investment bank is capable of passing the risk of credit along to investors, and not only this but in turn also earning feed by means of arranging the securitisation transactions(Wood 36). An international investment bank often reaps the benefit of geographical co-location in many of the cases. The concept behind geographical co location can be illustrated by means of a ‘local code’ which promotes the idea that the knowledge which is specific to a certain place can be best acquired and utilized by marking your presence at that place. When talking of investment banks’ services, let’s say, its M&A advisory service, such transaction requires knowledge that is of a non-cosmopolitan nature, meaning, that the availability of such knowledge is limited, which means that it is pertinent to local market besides being related to the professional knowledge of the international M&A community (Schamp et al. 11- 615). Methodology: This research is basic in nature and is done to have a better understanding of the investment banks. The qualitative methodology of research has been used and is based on the use of secondary data, which is one that is gathered from existing data sources and has not been done by the researcher himself. For the purpose of collecting data for this research, articles/journals on the subject have been used. The use of secondary data saves time of doing all the research from a scratch and saves cost due to easily available of databases catering to the need and providing relevant information. The methodology takes effort in identifying the correct data and discarding the irrelevant ones; besides it authenticity may also be questioned at times. Property and validity of data: The data is secondary in nature, and has been obtained through reliable sources like published articles and research journals. The data is valid since it is not obsolete, relevant and authentic. Analysis of findings: Now, we will present an analysis of our findings in light of the literature review. Expansion banking beyond the boundaries:Â  The workings of banks on an international level has not always been the trend, in fact, the banks usually used to be local and work within limited cities and towns but over time, such banks turned out to be unsuccessful and the counted few ones who operated internationally were seen to be making success. thus the banks saw opportunity in expanding their branches and their network as a whole beyond local boundaries. The reason for the success was that when they operated in diverse foreign markets and dealt with diverse borrowers, the risk was no longer linked with a single market only and was thus reduced. Rise of investment banking: The traditional functions of bank were limited to making loans and taking deposits and transferring of funds but this is no longer the case. There are banks now providing non-traditional services like leasing, insurance, mortgages. The investment banks became well versed among the masses as a result of diversification of bank services and of the trends that were prevalent in the economy during the 19th century. These trends among others, included disintermediation of financial services and different restructuring in the economy like privatization or resource allocation among different sectors which facilitated the need for advisory services. Organization of international investment banks: The international investment banks are organized in a manner so as to reap the best benefits from their operation in the international markets. These banks deal with local securities among other things of the countries in which they operate. This provides them with a better understanding of the local market conditions but at the same time, unlike local banks, they are not oblivious of the international markets and can play smartly in both arenas. But the back draw of this international arrangement is often visible in the form of downgraded rating when the foreign country of their operation is going through some sort of economical crisis but even then this downgrading is better than those of the local investment banks who are purely organized around the local financial instruments in their operations. The international investments banks are organized in such a way that only makes them visible in the international domain but also provide them with a supply of new assets thus enabling them to pass the credit risk to investors and also to arrange more transactions. Operation of the international investment banks: In the operation of the international investment banks, trust is a crucial element. Banks seem to be more focused on the expansion of their branch network and sale of their products than on building the customers’ trust. The customers must have the trust that their bank is providing them with the right investment options and that it is equally involved in the risk bore by them; only then can these investment banks operate successfully. The international bank operates through a complicated process but what is important is to know that these banks are dependant to a great degree on their financial analysts. These analysts are not involved in the direct generation of revenue but are in fact the essential elements for providing support to two of the revenue generating bodies, which are the investors and the corporate finance. The analysts spend considerable amount of time with the investors and give them advices regarding the right place to invest in; with respect to the corporate finance department, these analysts support those working with corporate finance department in persuading the clients into letting the bank handle their buying and selling of securities and other needs and in promoting their services by giving the right check and balance. Conclusion:Â  Banking is no longer traditional and the former traditional role lies with the commercial banks; the diverse operations have given rise to the investment banks that have expanded their networks internationally and are making success. By operating globally, the investment banks come to terms with the local market conditions which enable them to have a more in depth insight and thus make wise investment decisions and provide the clients with the right options for decision making; the main personnel involved in their operations are their analysts who provide support to the revenue generating bodies of the bank.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Initial Public Offering

Initial Public Offering Introduction Initial Public Offering (IPO) is one of the key ways through which companies raise capital to realize growth and development (Bragg, 2009). Companies normally raise capital by selling their equities to the public for the first time.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Initial Public Offering specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The result of such an initial selling of the company’s equity emanates in terms of increased capital and shareholders. Apple Inc. is an example of the corporations that went public to raise capital for their expansions and to be publicly traded. Apple Inc. Background Apple Inc. together with its subsidiaries produces a range of computerized products including personal computers, media devices, mobile communications as well as portable digital music players. In 2007, Apple Inc. became a publicly listed company with its stocks traded and quoted on NASDAQ, where it is well-known with the symbol AAPL (Apple Inc., 2010). Over the last five years, AAPL share prices have tremendously increased and are currently among the highly priced stocks in NASDAQ. The number of Apple Inc. equity holders has grown over the last four years of operation. AAPL returns on investments have grown from $1.5 million to over $600million dollars in the fiscal 2010. This was accompanied by an increase in the total global market share and constant growths in sales and revenue. By 2010, Apple Inc. net revenue was over $14 million which translated into $15.41 earnings per share, the highest earning within the security markets (Apple Inc., 2010). AAPL total shareholders’ equity grew to above $47 million with market capitalization of over $590 billion. Apple Inc. is a unique company in the technology industry because of the way it utilizes its technological capabilities to drive its growth and development (Apple Inc., 2010).Advertising Looking for case study on business eco nomics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Despite the competition in the technology industry, Apple is amongst the companies that have applied their innovative potential to remain top in the competitive edge. AAPL profits and sales volume have soured above its competitors because of its incessant introduction of new products to the market. Products like iPod, iPod and iTunes have facilitated Apple’s market share growth, resulting into revenue growth. Apple Inc. generated more capital in its IPO than any other company, after Ford-motor’s IPO in 1956. Apple IPO immediately created more millionaires than any firm in history and this was approximated to be around 300 (Apple Inc., 2010). During the launch of its Initial Public Offering of stock to the public investors, venture capitalist cashed out money yielding billions on their long-term capital gains. Going public immediately changed the corporation’s manag ement as Apple had to deal with increased number of shareholders and the requisite procedures that must be complied with. Though Apple raised the needed capital, IPO exposed the company into rigorous compliant measures and competitions (Padberg, 2007). For Apple to remain in the securities market, the company must comply with the SEC and accounting standards regulations which are very expensive. Even though IPO is one of the best ways to raise capital, it is a risky venture for a company to undertake (Beinecke 2002). Normally, the process requires well experienced underwriters who are able to correctly predict when to offer securities and the decisive prices. The procedure is usually a long process and may take several months before the actual date reached (Beinecke, 2002). Furthermore, it is often difficult to predict the behavior of stock on the initial trading day even in the future. The reason is that there is petite historical financial data that can be used to analyze the comp any. Conclusion Since Apple Inc. became public, it has remained a successful company. As indicated, Apple Inc. generated huge capital through its IPO as was predicted and the number of equity holders also increased.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Initial Public Offering specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The capital generated has led to the growth and development of Apple since it allowed the company to invest heavily on research and development. The securities market analysis indicates that Apple has a growth potential in the prospective years. References Apple Inc. (2010). Apple inc. 2010 annual report. Web. Beinecke, C. K. (2002). How to prepare an initial public offering. New York, NY: Practicing Law Institute. Bragg, S. M. (2009). Running a public company: From IPO to SEC Reporting. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. Padberg, H. (2007). Initial public offering (IPO) and theories of underpricing. Munich, Germany : GRIN Verlag.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Starbucks Marketing Strategy How to Create a Remarkable Brand

Starbucks Marketing Strategy How to Create a Remarkable Brand Starbucks is one of the most recognizable brands  in the world. Their brand recognition has reached epic heights thanks to the strength of their marketing and their commitment to keeping their brand consistent. Not all of us have multi-million dollar marketing budgets, which makes replicating Starbucks’ marketing tactics at the same level nearly impossible. However, there are some basic core principles behind the Starbucks marketing strategy that nearly any brand can borrow and implement. In this post, we’ll cover how their commitment to consistent branding made Starbucks the successful brand it is today. We’ll also go over the tactics they are currently using that are continuing their tradition. Plus, we’ll cover actionable takeaways you can use to implement those marketing strategies and basic branding principles yourself. Whats ? is the industrys leading marketing calendar platform, helping over 8000+ marketers get organized. See how you can plan content + social media marketing better. How can you build a brand like Starbucks? Start learning here:Download Your Marketing Strategy Template Bundle Once you’ve read how Starbucks has mastered the art of  branding and marketing strategy, use these templates to get organized, document your strategy, and build brand consistency into everything you do. In this bundle, you’ll receive: A marketing strategy template to format all your ideas into a workable outline for you and your team to follow. A marketing calendar  template to organize all your projects. A brand style guide template to help your marketing team maintain branding consistency. Each of these templates will help you get your marketing team organized and outline the expectations  that need to be met to keep everything consistent. Starbucks Marketing Strategy: How to Create a Remarkable BrandThe History Of Starbucks Starbucks was founded in 1971 by Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker. At first, the coffee company only sold coffee beans and didn’t offer the premium coffee drinks it's known for now. The famous logo, inspired by Norse woodcutting  that contained a siren, the mermaid-like figure has been with the company since its inception (although it has undergone a few redesigns). In 1986, the original owners sold Starbucks to former manager Howard Schultz, who took the brand and helped build it into the coffee behemoth it is today. Here is a brief overview of the growth the company has experienced in the last 47 years:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Interstate Agencies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Interstate Agencies - Essay Example However, is marred with controversy regarding their power position and role legitimacy. It proposes the need to explore the issue and reconcile the power position and legitimacy of the interstate agencies, and clear the air. The constitution provision, in this case, was written in 1787 and ratified in the subsequent year. Since then, the provision regulates the port’s administrative practices. The U.S. constitution is a combination of ideas and views from a significant number of American people and related document such as Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation (Peacock, 2008). Since the ratification of provisions in the constitution in 1787, there had been twenty seven amendments by 1992 (Evartt, 2003). Both groups engage in a debate until a common or general understanding is reached. The following is a verbatim derived from the articles in section 1regarding the establishment of the interstate agencies â€Å"Administrative agencies shall created by the federal Constitution, the U.S. Congress, state legislatures, and local lawmaking bodies to manage crises, redress serious social problems, or oversee complex matters of governmental concern beyond the expertise of legislators. †¦all legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, necessary-and-proper. †¦The Congress shall have power to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers and all other Powers †¦ in any Department or Officer thereof." The ratification of the provision can be described as that which was achieved in a constitutional and conventional manner. Furthermore, as can be inferred from the above verbatim of the constitution stipulation, the approach was well set in achieving desirable governance. Indeed, it is arguable that every participating party had the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Learning Styles and Lifelong Learning Process Research Paper

Learning Styles and Lifelong Learning Process - Research Paper Example Guild and Garger (1998) implied on their studies that by completely understanding an individual’s style of learning would allow educators to construct adequate teaching methods that would promote higher learning. For the last fifty years, many researchers have understood the concepts of learning styles. Sims and Sims (1995) have specified that students will be able to develop higher levels of learning through these concepts of learning styles and how these styles influence educators to construct sufficient teaching methods. Studies of Dunn and Dunn (1992) presented that individuals respond to learning in a more positive manner through the utilization of adequate teaching methods that suit them. With the case study, students have manifested greater learning when they were taught using their preferred teaching methods because they were able to absorb the concepts of the subject matter easily. These students have shown improved scores when it comes to tests and exams. It is said that if an educator makes use of the students preferred teaching methods, the students tend to be more attentive. This just shows that if educators would be able to grasp solely their students’ preferred learning styles, these educators would be able to promote enthusiasm among their students to learn more. Through effective teaching methods, the study stated that the students reflected more aggressive behavior toward learning, which means that these students are more willing to learn if they will be able to understand their educators’ method of teaching. In short, learning styles and teaching methods have a deeper association. As stated earlier, I took some tests that would determine my preferred learning style as a student. Before I present the results that I got, let me first introduce to you what learning styles are all about. Ross, Maureen, and Schultz (2001) stated on their studies that learning is often times a process of remembering concepts and putting these concepts into actions after  further studies. They further added that learning is a two-way process, gathering information and then utilizing the information.Â